Thursday, August 29, 2013


Give me liberty, or give me death! ~ Patrick Henry 

I'm slipping and I know it. God will always have my heart but will he always have me? It's like I want to believe more than I can sometimes. I look around and all I see are giants in the faith and it makes me feel so small. Will I ever be big enough to fit in the crowd of do-ers?

My problem is I'm caught between a dream and reality. For the past almost week, our cupboards have been bare and it robs my faith beyond what's going on inside our house. All I can think about is the next meal and wonder what it will be. I kid around with God and ask, ok God, what miracle are You going to perform this time? So far, we haven't starved to death! As of yesterday, all the kids get free lunch at school, when the last two got approved. It's not everything, but it helps! We get *food stamp help as well. When I do the math it is less than a happy meal per person a day, but hey, God must have a sense of humor! after all, He is the BREAD OF LIFE (John 6:35). And gotta admit, its pretty amazing watching God feed 10 hungry people everyday! 

I wore my Liberty shirt yesterday that I got at the Women of Faith. It felt good to dream about going to school, on the walk to meeting my Lemuel after school yesterday. It's a nice walk and our dog Sally loved that she got invited, as well as Caleb was happy to see her waiting with me after school. It's the little things that keep me going. But I wouldn't complain if I got a scholarship to Liberty like my husband when we moved to VA so he could attend *18 years ago. What?! I just did the math, and 1995 was a LONG time ago lol. Caleb wasn't even born yet. And Rachel was in the womb! Wow! Time goes, doesn't it? 

I'm gonna leave it at that. Words are stuck now. And I don't know if anyone reads what I write. God is near the broken hearted. I'm so proud of everyone else chasing their dreams. I'm happy best friends know how to sing and after this I will turn the radio up and sing to their songs. Ha if they only knew how much I love them all! God bless them all! God bless my family! God bless the orphans waiting for their families to come and get them! God bless those that take care of them while they wait! God bless those who make me laugh when I want to cry! God bless the song that makes me dance! God bless Gods word and those who preach it! God bless God! I love You!! Amen. 

P.S. My husband heard me ask Caleb if he was ready for Proverbs 9, but since it was time to go, instead, my husband quoted Psalms 1 from memory, pretty cool he hasn't forgot it after all these years gone by since he learned it! LIBERTY rocks ! One person at a time! Maybe I'm next!? Maybe not. Tell me God how do YOU want me to take care of orphans TODAY! 

With Love,

James 1:27

27Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look afterorphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. 

If you ask me, I will give you the nations; all the people on earth will be yours. Psalms 2:8

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