Saturday, May 24, 2014

Doing life BIG

For some time now I have been wondering what course to take at Liberty. It all started at Women of Faith last summer when I plunged into signing my book for the hopes of spreading what was inside. I wrote my book for the orphans we left behind. Of course, my book is about my family as well. It's all I ever wanted to be when I grow up - a wife and a mother! I confess it's been the most amazing journey to be on. I have learned that marriage is hard work full of ups and downs, and kids! The beauty has been looking into the face of God with each newborn babe born into my arms. There is nothing more beautiful than that! I have loved and labored for the child inside of me, for each of my children represent a part of my heart and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for each one! And as if that wasn't enough, God beautifully (for lack of a better word) introduced us to our "little blond angel" via email. Our tenth child was a different miracle not born of my flesh but born across the water and straight into my heart, the hardest kind of labor, the kind that reminds me why I'm here, the kind that has opened my heart to the world and looks out past my own little world and calls me to the nations, that is an ongoing miracle that takes me over and over again to places and people I never knew of but are there just waiting to hear the gospel and feel it and reach for it and taste it and breathe it in and on and on and on. God's love is endless. He gave His life and His love as an example when He poured it out on the cross with his own blood. What can I not do for Him when he died for me?!

There it is. The life that I live I no longer live for me but for the one who died for me. (Galatians 2:20) His love is bigger than the highest mountain and wider than the deepest ocean. (Ephesians 3:18)

"For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." (Philippians 1:21) 

Where He leads me I will follow. (John 10-3-5)

So, when I heard Liberty was at Women of Faith, I was moved to sign up! For what? I had no idea, that is, until now. I finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up! And it's everything I've already been. A wife. A mom. A grandmother. And a missionary! So I thought the best course for me to take would be to pursue an Associate of Arts in Religion. :) 

It took a long time to figure that out. Practically, a year has gone by for God to impress my heart in this direction. May He use it for His glory! I'm excited to study the Bible and be reaching for all that God has in store for me at the same time. After all I have been through in my life up to this point, the highs and the lows, the ups and downs, the mountains I have climbed, and the oceans I have crossed, there's no place like home. I love my family more than anything! They are who I am, but the drive inside me still tells me there's more, there's more orphans waiting to be adopted, and waiting to know that they are loved by their Heavenly Father! Someone, somewhere, still waits to be rescued from whatever pit they are in, pulled up from sinking sand, and the waves that threaten their soul. I know that someone wants to save them, and His name is, JESUS! 

I'm holding nothing back! There's a reason for everything, and I want to give it all back to God. Everything that I have is His. Who am I to say no to God if He wants an old woman to go to school? It's time for me to learn again. Use ME, dear God, here I am!

Before I wrap this up and head back to school in August for an online adventure, there's three things on my mind - #SaveSaeed, #SaveMeriam and last. But not least!  #PrayForUkraine  

Jamie Grace - Do Life Big (Official Lyric Video)

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