My little writer Hannah writing her name at the library. Photo courtesy by Ms. Tobin, her teacher.

My little blond angel Lera enjoying using the computer at the library. Photo courtesy by Ms. Tobin, her teacher.
I'm about to register for my first college class at Liberty University! As I ponder this amazing opportunity, I can't help but be grateful for these two little girls that made this possible. Because, with God all things are possible, and they taught me that! (Matthew 19:26) They have the gift for taking me out of my comfort zone when I least expect it, and have the ability to take me places I never would have gone without them. From the moment Hannah was born with her tiny extra chromosome, to finding out she had a "twin" waiting on the other side of the world with the exact same designer genes made by the Master, Creator, Designer, God. To adopting Lera and discovering GOLD! It has been my hearts desire to find a way to get the word out about the precious ones we left behind. So, I started writing, only to find out at a Women of Faith event about a writing contest they had going on. Of course, I entered it! It didn't win, but it got my book - Chasing A Dream Where The Sunflowers Grow - published through WestBow Press, A Division of Thomas of Nelson. I can't claim to be the best writer, but they had the best of heart in seeing me published, and I wasn't giving up that easily! At another Women of Faith event, yet another opportunity stood waiting. Liberty University was at WOF, at the very same time I was signing my BOOK! I really don't know how I thought they could help me, but I ended up crying my heart out at the LU booth, signing up for whatever it takes to follow God with this dream! I pray He takes my humble cry and uses it for His glory! Like a voice for those without one...that is why I want to go to school, to learn to write better! Dear Lord, teach me how, and bless the many orphans we met and loved like Lera. Amen.
Listen! It's the voice of someone shouting, "Clear the way through the wilderness for the LORD! Make a straight highway through the wasteland for our God! Isaiah 40:3
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