Friday, December 20, 2013


You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth? Galations 5:7

We were taking pictures before the bus came today... 

Our timing was off for The Polar Express, but our girls were ready, regardless, as they used their hands to make a sign...could it be they were signing baby Jesus? :) It was the question I posted on Facebook, along with their picture. One mom thought it was possible and shared this link in the comments - 

They may have missed the bus, but they were right on track! ;-)

Long story short, I emailed the teacher to let her know what happened this morning, but she called me before she got it, checking on the girls. Next thing I know, the bus came back to get the girls! :) I met the bus driver with gratitude, but surprisingly, she wasn't as happy to see me as I was to see her, and she got off the bus to let me know it! :( Thank goodness for the love of our girls teacher, Ms. Tobin who assured me the girls were fine when they got to school, and arrived happy! :)  

Getting back on track, interestingly, we got an announcement from our girls school informing us of what was in store for today just a few days ago. Each year a special guest is invited to read The Polar Express to the students, and this year it happened to be meteorologist, Tim Williams from WJZ's Channel 13 News! How exciting! Tim was the one bringing the imaginary train ride to the students ALL ABOARD The Polar Express that was headed for the North Pole! -- written by author Chris Van Allsburg! :)

Another interesting fact was that trains have always been an integral part of the history of Relay Elementary School, named after the horses that originally ran on wooden rails pulling a wagon from downtown Baltimore to Ellicot Mills. The halfway point was at the bottom of South Rolling Road where a tired horse would be exchanged for a rested horse. This exchange was called a "relay". Which is how the school and community got their name. 

Upon reading about these trains, it made me think of our little Hannah.

Her belly bears some of its own tracks that tell a beautiful story too, that led us to her sister, Lera!

Dear Lord, I need You. When trouble comes, help me to be an overcomer and learn to rest in You. You are my relay and exchange my sorrow for joy! Thank You for two sweet girls to help keep me on track. I am blessed and look forward to celebrating Your birth with our family and friends this Christmas! Thank You for sending Your love through our bus driver who also seems tired. Please give her rest and bless her for coming back to get our girls. They really love school and their teacher! Amen. 




Wednesday, December 18, 2013

#SaveSaeed: Psalm 2:8

13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13  

Several things happened yesterday. One, I called Liberty and two, Liberty called me. Let me explain. 

First, I came across an article in TheBlaze Faith, a daily resource for religious-themed news, information and entertainment via Twitter. ( was interesting to me was that this article was about the American Pastor Saeed Abedini arrested in Iran for his faith in Jesus Christ. In this article, his wife, Naghmeh Abedini gave a speech about his arrest, faith, and persecution in Iran to the student body at Liberty University, along with her personal testimony. She stated she came to Faith in Jesus Christ at age nine and prayed for God to give her her people as an inheritance. 

"Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession." (Psalm 2:8)

I couldn't help but remember using her same reference at the very end of my book (Chasing A Dream Where The Sunflowers Grow). There, also, using the same picture of our girls that I used in my blog, yesterday. (Thanks For Their Gifts) Coincidence? I think not! 

When I called Liberty University for directions, yesterday, it was advised I have something other than an iPhone for taking the online Liberty course. As I mentioned earlier, I don't have that right now, for mine recently broke. Nor do I have any clue what course I would take, if I did. But what I did find was this. In my pursuit to follow God in His footsteps and go wherever He leads me, I believe God led me to Liberty University to join Naghmeh Abedini's convocation and prayer for her husbands release. 

Care to join? Please watch and pray Psalm 2:8.

Naghmeh Abedini - Liberty University Convocation

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Thanks For Their Gifts

10 I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. Philippians 4:10

Photo edited by International Down Syndrome Coalition. 

19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

I woke up troubled this morning....

Have you ever said yes to something and then it all a sudden hits you like a ton of bricks that you don't have everything you need? Yeah, me too! 

It occurred to me when I woke up this morning that I may need more than an iPhone to do an online course with Liberty University. I'm back to relying on my iPhone for Internet because my laptop recently quit working. Guess I need to find that out when I call to register for my first class today. One thing I have to remember is God's timing is perfect. Like my adoption agent, Teresa Fillmon told me when we were adopting Lera, "If God is in this He will make a way!" I know God's more concerned about orphans than I am. He will show me the way to do this. I will join Him to take care of them any way He chooses, and if this is how He is leading me, I can count on Him to make it happen, His way!

But when the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law. God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very own children. And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, "Abba, Father." Galations 4:4-6

Father, show me the way you are leading me that I may walk in Your footsteps. Bless the orphans and the widows and those that take care of them. Amen. 

27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27

20 To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Philippians 4:20

Monday, December 16, 2013

Humbly Blessed

My little writer Hannah writing her name at the library. Photo courtesy by Ms. Tobin, her teacher. 

My little blond angel Lera enjoying using the computer at the library. Photo courtesy by Ms. Tobin, her teacher. 

I'm about to register for my first college class at Liberty University! As I ponder this amazing opportunity, I can't help but be grateful for these two little girls that made this possible. Because, with God all things are possible, and they taught me that! (Matthew 19:26) They have the gift for taking me out of my comfort zone when I least expect it, and have the ability to take me places I never would have gone without them. From the moment Hannah was born with her tiny extra chromosome, to finding out she had a "twin" waiting on the other side of the world with the exact same designer genes made by the Master, Creator, Designer, God. To adopting Lera and discovering GOLD! It has been my hearts desire to find a way to get the word out about the precious ones we left behind. So, I started writing, only to find out at a Women of Faith event about a writing contest they had going on. Of course, I entered it! It didn't win, but it got my book - Chasing A Dream Where The Sunflowers Grow - published through WestBow Press, A Division of Thomas of Nelson. I can't claim to be the best writer, but they had the best of heart in seeing me published, and I wasn't giving up that easily! At another Women of Faith event, yet another opportunity stood waiting. Liberty University was at WOF, at the very same time I was signing my BOOK! I really don't know how I thought they could help me, but I ended up crying my heart out at the LU booth, signing up for whatever it takes to follow God with this dream! I pray He takes my humble cry and uses it for His glory! Like a voice for those without one...that is why I want to go to school, to learn to write better! Dear Lord, teach me how, and bless the many orphans we met and loved like Lera. Amen. 

Listen! It's the voice of someone shouting, "Clear the way through the wilderness for the LORD! Make a straight highway through the wasteland for our God! Isaiah 40:3 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

We had a fab Thanksgiving! Though strange having one without Jim, and our older kids. At least we woke up in the same house on Thanksgiving Day! :) We waited a day before we headed to Carolina to meet my mom, sister and nephews, because they had bad weather down there the day before, and since Jim had to work the day after Thanksgiving, he encouraged us to go without him. 

Our family around the table on a different day...a spaghetti dinner! :)

I really missed our wonderful family having our Thanksgiving meal together! Even Lera felt it strange without her daddy in the van, she cried his name when we pulled away. :( We missed Rachel cooking her first ham...and Jim went to his parents alone. But it got better! I had a blast traveling with our younger ones! :) We turned the radio up and sang to our favorite songs, taking turns finding a radio station when one would fade out. Before we knew it, we were at grandmas house! 

On the way there we stopped at the only place open on Thanksgiving day, good ol' McDonald's! 

Me and my mom the next day - Black Friday! Haha, my mom came out dressed in black, informing me what day it was, lol, so I dressed in black too! ;)

Breakfast time! Lera kissing Hannah at Grandmas house! ;)

Haha! Then Hannah kissing Lera! :)

The turkey my mom made! Yum! :) 

All cozy with my sister! xo

After dinner we took a drive and walked around the Knob on Pilot Mountain. 

The Blue Ridge view from the parking lot. 

Alice and Lera enjoying the view on top of a rock! 

My sister with the Knob behind her which we walked the trails to get to and walked around it. 

I'm standing next to the Knob before we walked around it! 

Hannah was afraid of the view...we ended up taking her glasses off because she wears bifocals and I think it was making her dizzy! 

My nephew Kevin walked with us, until we got separated taking care of Hannah. 

My nephew Justin and his shepherd Lux with Micah. They too got ahead of us when we were taking care of Hannah...Lera kept up with them with no problem! ;)

One of the views on the trail. 

Starting out on the trail with my sister! 

Alice up on a rock! 

Last picture with Lera! Hannah was not too sure of climbing mountains! 

Hannah getting her confidence up by holding Aunt Sherry's hand! :) 

Alice and Hannah sitting on a rock around the Knob. :) 

The trail had steps built in the rock. 

Caleb was with our group when we got split up. He was a great help piggy-backing Hannah at times! :)

Alice climbed the rock and stood in one of the crevices. :) 

Sometimes it took two of us to get Hannah to walk! :))

Hannah was happy to draw in the dirt with a stick. :)

The girls hugging in the parking lot after being reunited! :)

Saturday we went to the parade! Hannah was behind everyone else that already turned the corner at the top of the hill to get to the parade..

I won't bore you with all the pictures at the parade, but the kids had a blast picking up candy that they threw at us as they passed by :) this was before the parade of Hannah standing by the fire truck! 

Us at the parade! Photo courtesy by Downtown Mount Airy :)

The girls waiting in Santa's big chair to see him after the parade! Cookies and hot chocolate were served while we waited :) 

And waited...

And waited...

The Scrooge was there! 

But wait, look who showed up! 

SANTA ! ! ! ❤

Lera couldn't wait to jump on Santa's lap! 

I love you Santa! ;)

Surprisingly, Hannah loved Santa too! :)

Alice on Santa's lap! xo

Alas the jolly ol' soul showed up and all three girls were satisfied after a picture with SANTA! Photo credits with Santa go to Downtown Mount Airy :) 

We had a surprise waiting for us back at my moms house...our cousins Steve and Marjorie! :) 

Next we went to the old downtown theater and watched The Elf for free! 

The girls inside the theater. 

The girls standing in front of the old stage after the movie was over. 

Walking out. 

The girls running out behind us! 

Last photo of the girls standing outside the old ticket window. :)

That evening we went to my Uncle Ray's house. The sunset was beautiful, but it was also my last picture that I snapped pulling out of my moms driveway before my phone died. It was nice being able to visit with my relatives though! :) 

My mom and her cat Lala on Sunday, our last morning there! :) 

The girls after they woke up on Sunday morning! 

I couldn't resist taking a picture of the quilt my mom had on her bed. She made it! Isn't it beautiful? So Christmasy! :) 

Lera saying goodbye to Grandma! Xo

Hannah saying goodbye to Grandma! Xo

Alice saying goodbye to Grandma! Xo

Micah saying goodbye to Grandma! Xo

Caleb saying goodbye to Grandma! Xo

Me saying goodbye to my mom! Xo I miss her with tears in my eyes. No one could ever take her place. Thank You Jesus for blessing our visit! Amen. 

I thank my God every time I remember you. Philippians 1:3