Friday, December 21, 2012

3 more days til Christmas

Friday was a nice day but I kept feeling sad. I was happy when the bus pulled up and the bus driver called out to the girls. ~"Ho Ho Ho~!" They were so surprised to see him in his Santa hat calling them to climb on board with his arm waving them in. They giggled and got right on and daddy took a picture. :) After they went to school we did a little Christmas shopping and Jim took me to Panera Bread for some lunch. Rachel woke up and called to make sure we were alive...yup! the world didn't end!! We stopped by the grocery store for some milk and breakfast stuff for the kids in the morning and found a few stocking stuffers while we were at it. After Jim brought me home I tried to catch a nap but my grandson didn't want to sleep and Jim had to go to work. I got up to clean the house before the kids returned from school and started dinner. Alice's two friends came home with her. Soon it was time to go with Mrs. Amber to church and watch Alice in the Christmas play. I decided not to bring Hannah because she was not being nice to Alice's friends and she usually doesn't enjoy shows due to the lights and loud noises. It turned out to be pretty calm but it was better safe than sorry (she and Christian stayed home with her brothers). The kids are in bed. I am enjoying the peace and quiet. I just checked on FB and saw this thing called OhLife and decided to try it out. It helped me write why I have been so sad. - Rachel's friend died in a car accident a few weeks ago, 26 innocent people died in a school shooting with 20 of them being first graders last Friday at Sandy Hook Elementary, Thursday Jim did his second funeral this month and a student from Meade High was hit by a car and died, there was another student just not long ago who was also hit by a car from Meade. I think with so many young people loosing their lives lately it is just way too sad. Plus many of my friends on FB have sick children, many with Down syndrome that we are praying for. To top it off Russia stopped all adoptions between the U.S and them....SO SAD! Many children will not be adopted that would have been and to think how close some of the families were to getting their children just hurts. Many prayers going up tonight! Bless all these dear Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.

Hannah and Lera with their bus driver on Polar Express Day! XOXO

Alice and the children in the Christmas play

Alice and the children in the Christmas play

 Alice and Lera with friends afterwards xxx

Lera had a reindeer cookie for refreshments :)

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