I've known for about a week now that school isn't for me like I thought it was. I thought it was because I thought I needed to learn how to be a better advocate for orphans. Of course my desire to go all started at the Women of Faith Conference in Washington DC 2013 because Liberty had a booth there when I attended. And because I brought my book there (was invited to do a book signing), I thought ( I cried my eyes out for orphans at the Liberty station) I was supposed to learn something I didn't already know (but God already put in my heart) to advocate for more orphans. THAT is my dream. It's been my new dream ever since we landed on US soil with Lera. It's been my dream ever since we left Ukraine. It's been my dream ever since I waked behind the walls that kept so many orphans hidden from society, who called me "mama". I can't turn my back on them. And I may never go back to Ukraine ( though I hope someday I will), I want to remember them some how. So I wrote a book, "Chasing a Dream Where the Sunflowers Grow"- http://bookstore.westbowpress.com/Products/SKU-000463730/Chasing-a-Dream-Where-the-Sunflowers-Grow.aspx. But it wasn't enough. Hardly saw any fruit from it. ( at least none that I'm aware of). But God knows why I wrote it and what he put in my heart lives on. May he continue to stir hearts for the forgotten orphans, especially the abandoned, institutionalized, lost and loney orphans, sentenced to a life behind walls because of their diagnosis. So I write all that to say, my laptop broke end of last week, so I took it to our daughter in law, Amanda, and she said she couldn't fix it but I could use hers. Then this past Monday, hers broke too. I couldn't believe how fast I felt the door shut. I felt lost. But now I know I'm not lost and God is just showing me, I'm already what he wants me to be, a mother. Yeah, I know it sounds small, but you should see my heart! And I thank God for the gift he put in my heart not only for my own children but for the orphan. In not so many words, God showed my husband, Jim a little girl who needs a home when he was at work about a little over a month ago. The same place he was when I called to tell him about "little blond angel" ( at work!). So maybe this is it, maybe God wants to bring this child into our family. ( I hope so!) but I don't want to get my hopes up. But I also want to test the waters. I already called about her and found out because she is in foster care that in order to make her our daughter, we have to become foster parents first. Our first meeting is on November 18 to get signed up. Then the whole month of January (30 hours) is the training. I still don't know if we will be able to bring this child into our home, but I know God already knows her name. We will see. This is the journey we are on and I will not give up on orphans!
Newsboys (Stay Strong)
Throwback to last Saturday when we were at the bowling ally celebrating our son James' birthday. I love you Jim! <3